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May 22, 2023

In-store CCTV : the advantages and disadvantages for your store

Article written by: The Veesion team
Reading time: 4 min
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Video surveillance represents an undeniable advantage for the protection of your store. However, conventional CCTV systems do also have drawbacks. Fortunately, however, these disadvantages can be minimised thanks to the technological advances made possible by AI. Here we’ll explain all you need to know.


>> Ebook: The 5 benefits of using artificial intelligence in CCTV

Advantages of in-store video surveillance

In-store video surveillance ensures effective theft prevention through a practical and affordable security system. Here’s a detailed overview of all the advantages.

An effective way to combat the risk of shoplifting

Shoplifting is a scourge suffered by all store, pharmacy and mini-market owners. The best way to combat this problem is through video surveillance. This solution not only helps to deter a large number of shoppers who might be tempted to steal your products, but also to catch offenders who steal anyway despite the presence of cameras. Veesion’s video surveillance system uses AI to automatically spot suspicious behaviour and therefore works to optimise your store’s security performance.

Convenient remote device monitoring

Security guards cannot have eyes everywhere or be in several departments at the same time. That’s why it’s a good idea to equip any high-risk areas of your store with security cameras. This also results in less work for you and your security teams. Your staff merely need to view the CCTV monitor, or if you use Veesion, let AI do the job for you.

Significant savings on security and reduced shrinkage

The salary of a security guard represents a significant budget item for a small store. Even though the initial outlay for a security system is relatively high and the cost of ownership significant, the cost of maintaining and servicing security cameras is still much lower than it would cost to employ a team of security guards.

The economic benefit of a security system also lies in its ability to reduce inventory shrinkage. With a state-of-the-art surveillance solution such as Veesion, this translates into a 60% reduction in inventory shrinkage.

Irreputable evidence in the event of a dispute

An efficient video surveillance system provides reliable proof in the event of a dispute with a suspected shoplifter. For example, if the suspected offender refuses to admit they have stolen one of your products, possessing the camera footage showing the incident means you can produce the necessary evidence before the authorities. Being able to do this is also a good argument for insurance companies, who tend to give more advantages to stores equipped with security cameras.

Disadvantages of video surveillance

Despite its many advantages, video surveillance does also have some limitations. At Veesion, we are constantly striving to push back boundaries through our innovative and high-performance surveillance equipment.

Time-consuming monitoring of security screens

One of the main disadvantages of video surveillance is the need to keep a constant eye on the CCTV monitor. This is a tedious, time-consuming task that must be carried out by one or more employees on a permanent basis. Moreover, even to a trained eye, it’s impossible to spot every incident of theft committed by shoplifters. Veesion technology is AI-based software that detects suspicious behaviour and shoplifting in real time. Whenever a shoplifting attempt occurs you are automatically alerted immediately.

A security camera installation coupled with complex technology

If you do not yet possess a video surveillance system or if your current one is outdated, updating it is likely to cause a number of problems. You would have to adapt to a new system, configure a whole range of components to suit your particular situation, and you’d have to train your staff to use and maintain the new equipment. All this can be very time-consuming and resource-intensive. At Veesion, we have just the solution to this problem. Our software is suitable for small stores and easy to set up. It gives you control over every aspect of your security through an app that’s intuitive and simple to use.

High installation and maintenance costs for small stores

Video surveillance systems represent a significant budget item. Of course, if you ensure your own security and don’t employ a security guard or team, installing a CCTV kit will require an additional investment. While that’s true, an efficient security system will also enable you to drastically reduce your inventory shrinkage.

If you’re looking to optimise the performance of your CCTV installation without having to invest in new equipment, the solution is Veesion. Our system is compatible with most security cameras on the market and doesn’t require you to replace any of your existing equipment. Synchronising your system with Veesion software only takes 30 minutes to be up and running.

Why is Veesion the best surveillance system on the market today?

As you can see for yourself, with Veesion, all the disadvantages associated with video surveillance are overcome. It’s effortless to set up, intuitive to use, and requires no significant outlay. What’s more, the surveillance itself is ensured by Artificial Intelligence technology that can actually detect theft and suspicious behaviour in real time.

Whenever suspicious behaviour is detected, you are sent a push notification to any devices of your choice (e.g. computer, smartphone or tablet). After viewing the footage, you just need to give a description to your security team who will apprehend the thief upon leaving the store. Veesion: the efficient, affordable and practical security solution for your store.

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