Camera maintenance: the right steps to optimise your CCTV system

Do you manage a pharmacy, supermarket or retail store? Security is most certainly one of your top priorities. That’s why we’re providing you with a detailed list of the maintenance operations we recommend for your surveillance cameras. As an added bonus, we’re also including several ways to optimise your store’s security.
Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance involves carrying out regular functional checks and servicing to ensure that all your video surveillance equipment is operating at peak efficiency. It includes a number of maintenance operations ranging from inspection of the equipment to cleaning of the cameras and checking the recording system.
Regular checks
The first step in preventive maintenance is to inspect all the surveillance cameras on a regular basis. That way you can be sure that none of the devices have been damaged or are out of order.
Regular cleaning
Another important step is to perform regular cleaning on all cameras. Surveillance cameras are often exposed to dust and dirt, which can obviously affect their image quality. With daily cleaning, you can be sure that your images remain sharp and clear at all times.
Checking connections and cables
In addition to carrying out regular inspections and cleaning, it’s important to check the various camera connections and cables. Cables can sometimes become damaged or loose, which can lead to connection issues and signal loss. It’s therefore essential to ensure continued vigilance on this point.
Checking the recording system
Finally, particular attention should be paid to the camera recording system. CCTV recorders can be affected by a number of issues including hard disk errors and software failures. To avoid such issues, it’s important to make regular backups and software updates.
Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance is different from preventive maintenance. It’s required when you notice a technical issue with your CCTV system. For any corrective maintenance needed, it’s best to call on the services of a security professional such as Veesion. There are 4 steps to troubleshooting: problem identification, repair, testing and logging.
Identify the problem
If you’re experiencing a problem with your video surveillance system, the first thing to do is identify the nature of the problem. The most common issues concern the power supply, cables, monitor or lenses, or even the camera itself, which may be experiencing poor focus or image quality. The first step is to consult the user manual for your equipment, and then call in a specialist technician.
Repair or replace the camera
Once the problem has been identified, the question is whether to repair or replace the faulty equipment. If the problem is minor, you can consider repairing the equipment yourself. However, if the fault concerns, for example, a broken lens or a damaged camera, it will certainly have to be replaced, and preferably as soon as possible so as to ensure the continued security of your store. Your service technician will be able to advise you on the right solution.
Test the camera
Once the equipment has been repaired or replaced, it should be tested to ensure it is working properly. Checks should be carried out on image quality, all cables & connections and performance... Everything is now good to go to ensure your CCTV system is operational again.
Keep a log of repairs
The final step is to log all the maintenance operations performed on your store’s surveillance equipment. This log should include information on the issues encountered, the repairs carried out as well as the related costs... It’s important to ensure that the repair log is complete.
How to optimise your surveillance system with AI
Corrective and preventive maintenance are good ways to ensure the durability of your CCTV installation. But there are also solutions available to optimise its performance, and thus improve the security of your store. Our AI-based remote CCTV software delivers impressive results in all areas of security.
Once the software is installed on your cameras, the system analyses video footage in real time to identify suspicious behaviour (namely the body gestures typically associated with shoplifting). When suspicious behaviour is detected, you or your employees will receive a message sent directly to a smart phone app. That way your security team can take appropriate action before the suspect leaves the premises. It’s a simple, practical and powerful solution that’s already being used by thousands of store owners around the world.
Other solutions to optimise your store’s CCTV system
In addition to our artificial intelligence-based security solutions, a number of other methods can also be used to deliver good results.
Strategic placement of cameras
The optimal positioning of surveillance cameras helps to maximise the store’s surveillance coverage area. Cameras should be placed in key areas, especially at checkouts, entrances and exits, in main aisles, storage areas and high-risk areas.
Use of high-resolution cameras
High-resolution surveillance cameras offer better image quality, which can facilitate the recognition of people and objects. High-resolution cameras also provide better coverage for large retail areas. It’s therefore a good way to reduce the number of cameras needed in your store.
Data storage and analysis
To optimise security, it’s also essential to effectively store your surveillance camera data. By analysing and reviewing camera footage regularly, you’ll be able to identify trends, suspicious behaviour and high-risk areas in your store.
Employee training
It’s important to train all your employees in the use of surveillance cameras. To maximise the detection rate of shoplifting incidents and speed up your employees’ reaction time when one occurs, your teams need to be able to correctly use the cameras, interpret the footage and react to the incident accordingly.
Integration with other systems
You can integrate your CCTV system with access control systems, alarm systems and inventory management systems. This makes for an excellent solution to improve and optimise the efficiency of your store’s surveillance.
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