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June 20, 2024

11 tips for improving store security

Article written by: The Veesion team
Reading time: 3 min
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Ensuring the security of your shop is a major challenge for retailers. While video surveillance is essential, there are other security solutions you can implement. Discover our 11 tips for enhancing shop security.

1. Set up a video surveillance system

CCTV cameras are excellent for deterring potential thieves and preventing shoplifting. By protecting goods and people 24/7, video surveillance in supermarkets or shopping centers can prevent acts of vandalism, day or night. The recorded footage can also serve as valuable evidence, making this type of surveillance system a significant security asset.

2. Install a security alarm system

Every business should have an approved alarm system that can alert the authorities and the owner if an intruder is detected. Depending on the nature of the business, there may be specific requirements, which should be outlined in the professional insurance policy taken out by the manager.

3. Implement anti-theft gates

Security gates are excellent for reducing the risk of shoplifting. Positioned at the shop's entrance and exit, these devices detect anti-theft tags on items. They trigger an alarm if someone attempts to leave with an unpaid product.

4. Enhance fire safety measures

To protect people and property and enhance fire safety, several fire extinguishers should be installed throughout the store. These should be suited to the risks in different areas of the shop and spaced at least 30 meters apart. Emergency exits and evacuation plans must be clearly displayed so everyone can quickly leave in case of a fire.

5. Regularly inspect fire safety equipment

Having fire extinguishers in your shop is not enough to ensure good fire protection. Shop owners should regularly check their fire-fighting equipment, including verifying that fire extinguishers are working properly and ensuring the presence of first-aid equipment.

6. Choose fire-resistant materials

The choice of materials should be considered, if possible, before constructing the building. Limit the use of flammable and combustible materials both inside and outside the premises. Materials are classified based on their fire resistance over time: "fire-resistant" (retains properties in a fire), "flame-retardant" (prevents fire spread), and "fire-stop" (limits spread of flames and toxic smoke).

7. Optimise your shop layout

A shop, as a public establishment, must allow customers and employees to evacuate quickly and safely, with at least two exits leading to outside areas. Shops must also meet accessibility standards for people with reduced mobility.

8. Ensure adequate lighting

Ensure both the interior and exterior of the store are well-lit, as good lighting deters potential thieves and enhances the quality of video surveillance footage.

9. Train staff in security protocols

Don't rely solely on security guards; train other employees in security protocols too. Define the appropriate actions for risky situations or suspicious behavior, and teach your team how to detect abnormal behavior. Equip premises with panic buttons that send an alarm to authorities when pressed.

10. Monitor customer exits

Video surveillance and security gates are not infallible. To reinforce security and combat shrinkage, have a security guard check receipts as customers leave the shop. Conduct regular test purchases to ensure the checkout process is followed correctly.

11. Secure your online systems

Retailers can be targets of cyber-attacks, such as hacking into checkout systems or the shop's website. Implement a robust IT policy and consult with cybersecurity specialists to guard against these threats.

These measures, many of which are simple to implement, can significantly improve your shop's security. Want to take it further? Veesion can help you deploy intelligent video surveillance. Contact us to learn more and discuss your needs.

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