Shoplifting: How to Spot and Avoid the Aluminium Bag Technique?

Knowing the different shoplifting techniques is a major challenge for retailers. In this article, we'll take a look at one of the most common techniques, the aluminium bag. This method enables thieves to bypass stores equipped with security gates. So, how can you spot and prevent it?
What is the aluminium bag technique?
The foil-bag technique is fairly simple, which is why it's so common. As the name suggests, thieves line a bag with aluminium foil. This prevents the security detectors from ringing when a badge or tag (depending on the type of anti-theft device you use) not removed or deactivated at the checkout passes between the gates.
This is because one of the two gates generally emits magnetic waves and the second intercepts the radiation. The anti-theft labels or badges send out a signal on the frequency when they are located there. The aluminium blocks it. If the gantries are not equipped with an aluminium detector or if the cashier does not check the thief's bag, the thief will leave with his loot.
How do you spot the aluminium-lined bag used for shoplifting?
The first step in preventing shoplifters from using aluminium-lined bags is to be able to spot them. Here are a few clues to help you.
First of all, large, heavy-looking bags can be a red flag. Aluminium adds weight to the bag. If you spot suspicious backpacks or large handbags, your surveillance officer can inspect them.
These bags may also have an unusual appearance, such as extra seams to accommodate the aluminium.
What's more, they are often accompanied by suspicious behaviour on the part of the potential thief, who may be constantly looking around or avoiding contact with store staff.
It's important that you quickly learn to spot these kinds of techniques. Criminals can steal dozens or even hundreds of items from all types of stores.
How can I prevent aluminium bag theft?
To combat aluminium-lined bag theft effectively, it is crucial to train staff to identify any suspicious material and behaviour. Hiring a security guard is also a way of deterring thieves, keeping a constant watch and managing interactions with criminals. You may also decide to ask customers to leave their large bags at the entrance of the store.
But for greater reliability, some companies sell security gates based on technology that detects aluminium. Alarms or a light are triggered as soon as you enter the store or at the checkout, depending on your choice.
Surveillance cameras can also be used to monitor suspicious behaviour more discreetly, without disturbing the customer if it's a false alarm, or catching the person in the act if the theft is proven. Veesion even offers software that can be integrated into video surveillance systems for supermarkets and other stores to detect suspicious gestures, such as dropping a product into a bag.
What should you do if you suspect theft?
If you suspect or observe a theft, there are a number of rules to follow. If the person has not stolen anything, but you think they are planning to do so, the first thing to do is to approach them and ask them if they need anything or if they are looking for an item. This is very likely to have a deterrent effect.
If you have caught him in the act and only after he has passed through the checkout without paying, you need to involve the police or security guards. They can look in the bag and, if the thief agrees, search it.
Depending on the circumstances, if you lodge a complaint, the thief could face years in prison and a fine of several thousand euros. But it is also possible to settle the dispute out of court.
In conclusion, understanding the technique of the aluminium-lined bag and knowing how to identify it with the help of your staff, but also with the help of appropriate tools such as aluminium detector anti-theft gantries coupled with Veesion, the intelligent gesture detection solution available to everyone, will enable you to protect your goods and ensure the security of your store.
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